Saturday, 14 April 2007

New Production Alert

We were very pleased to be asked by the about to be resurrected Hooj Tunes to remix the first track from the re-birthed label by Mono Musique. Keep a look out for it in a few months time.


Anonymous said...

Good to see you guys alive. Looking forward to that new remix aaannnnnndd to your next single with the K remix (hopefully) ;)

Anonymous said...

congrats! I want to send you my new music but the contact email bounces back, what gives?

Anonymous said...

great news - the sooner the better

ilari valbonesi said...

ciao Ali*Rhys! come state?

I missed you. see you soon then. ilari

Blonde Escorts Broken Arrow said...

Great post tthankyou

Brandon Big Booty said...

Thhanks for the post